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Self Employment Taxes in New York in 2022: What You Should Know

Self Employment Taxes in New York in 2022: What You Should Know

October 6, 2022

Self Employment Taxes in New York in 2022_ What You Should Know


Accounting, CPA, Taxes

When you think of taxes, most people conjure up images of IRS agents and tax preparers. However, taxes are a vital necessity for a modern society. Without them, many businesses wouldn’t be able to function or customers would be left paying with their wallets when an unexpected expense strikes. Everyone knows that personal income taxes fall where your income comes from; however, not everyone is aware of all the other types of income taxes that exist in New York. Consider this your crash course on what income taxes are and what they mean for you as an individual – and whether or not you should consider becoming self-employed. 

What is Self-Employment Income Tax? 

If you’re like most people, you’re probably aware that you have to pay income taxes on both your income and self-employment income. However, you may not be aware of all the special rules that apply to your self-employment income. That’s where this guide will help. It’s important to note that taxes are a balancing act between the government and the individual. If you have too much income, you have to pay too much in taxes, or the government will take too much from the people who pay taxes. On the other hand, if you have too little income, the government has to take too much from the people who pay taxes, or nothing at all. The same can apply to your self-employment income. 

What is a Profit-Shifting Tax? 

A profit-shifting tax is one in which the government takes a cut of some of your income and then you pay it to the government as if it was your own income. This is the type of tax that most people think of when they hear the word “tax.” Some income comes from jobs that are not yours, some comes from investments, and some comes from operations. When you take profits from one source and shift them to another, you are taxed on it at your income tax rate. This can be a huge added tax on some of your earnings. 

What is an Investment Tax? 

Investment taxes are different from other types of taxes because they are based on what you earn. If you earn money by flipping coin rolls or investing money in stocks, you pay no taxes on these types of income. If, however, you make money by taking a salary or by receiving stock as an employee, you will pay taxes on it. This is because the government takes a cut of your income when you make that type of income. 

What else does New York have in store for me as an individual who is self-employed? 

You’re probably thinking that this guide is all about learning about your chances of getting hit by a lightning bolt from God, but there are other laws and taxes that can also affect your self-employment income. First and foremost, your rental income can be subject to New York’s tax code as can your interest and dividend income. If you have income of any type that isn’t subject to a specific tax, you must make sure to pay any applicable taxes on it. Beyond that, there are other laws and taxes that can affect your earnings as an independent contractor. For example, if you’re not required to pay Social Security or Medicare taxes, you won’t owe those benefits and, in turn, won’t owe taxes on those benefits either. However, if you are required to pay those taxes, you must pay them and report them on your income taxes as well. 

How to Stay Cover by Your Self-Employment Income 

There are a few different ways to stay covered by your self-employment income. The first is to make sure you get your taxes done before the due date. If you don’t, your self-employment income will be subject to a quarterly tax. Make sure you are aware of your income and expenses for the last three months so you don’t miss any deductions or credits. Once you have your tax returns for the current and prior quarters, use those documents to calculate your self-employment income and expenses. Once you have your income and deductions, subtract them from your pretax income to get your self-employment income. The last way to stay covered is to plan ahead and use the Tax Cut Savings Provision in the Tax Act of 2017. This will allow filers to switch to a simpler tax style that includes fewer categories so they can focus more on the actual taxes owed rather than the complex rules used to calculate them.  


The income tax is a major tax that all countries use. It is a form of taxation that assesses the income you receive from certain activities and the taxes you pay on those earnings. The amount of income tax you will pay will depend on your income and the type of tax you choose to pay. Whether you choose the income tax or a different type of tax, you will have to pay it at some point in your life. The income tax is a crucial part of any country’s finances and its tax code is complicated and constantly changing. In order to understand how this affects your individual situation, you should consider speaking with a tax attorney. 


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Self-Employment Taxes in Pennsylvania in 2022 – What You Need to Know

Self-Employment Taxes in Pennsylvania in 2022 – What You Need to Know

October 5, 2022

Self Employment Taxes in Pennsylvania in 2022 - What You Need to Know


Accounting, CPA, Taxes

Businesses that operate in Pennsylvania are required to pay a variety of taxes as a part of running their company. The main two types of corporate taxes that businesses need to worry about in the state are income tax and employment tax. Income tax is the most commonly-cited type of business tax in Pennsylvania, but this article will focus on employment tax. If your business owns property or has any other kind of assets, you’ll have to pay property taxes on those properties as well as income taxes on your earnings from them. This article will outline everything you need to know about self-employment taxes in Pennsylvania in 2022. 

What Are Self-Employment Taxes in Pennsylvania? 

When people think of corporate taxes, they usually think of income taxes. However, corporate taxes are only one part of a much broader tax system that includes property taxes, sales taxes, and tax on business income. The two types of taxes that businesses need to worry about in Pennsylvania are income tax and employment tax. Income tax is the most commonly-cited type of business tax in Pennsylvania, but this article will focus on employment tax. There are three income tax rates in Pennsylvania: 12%, 10%, and 5%. Other types of taxes, like employment and property taxes, are slapped on top of income tax. 

What Are the Types of Self-Employment Taxes in Pennsylvania? 

All state taxes are made up of different types of revenue. The most common type in Pennsylvania is income tax, but there are also property taxes, sales taxes, and a host of other taxes that businesses need to worry about. A business that operates in Pennsylvania must pay income tax or employment tax on the company’s total income for the year. There are three employment tax rates in Pennsylvania: 12%, 10%, and 5%. Other types of taxes, like income and property taxes, are slapped on top of employment tax. For the most part, the amount of these taxes will depend on the type of business. Most corporate income will be taxable at the standard income tax rate, while individuals who earn money as salaried employees will pay employment tax on their earnings. The other type of tax that businesses need to worry about is self-employment tax. Self-employment tax is the tax that employers charge on employees who work as self-employed people. The tax rate on self-employment income varies by state, but is generally higher than income tax. You’ll pay this tax if you make money as a self-employed person and choose to pay it on your own behalf. 

How Much Self-Employment Tax You Need to Pay in Pennsylvania 

The amount of self-employment tax that you need to pay in Pennsylvania depends on your income. The table below shows the amount of tax you must pay as a percentage of income that is determined by your income tax bracket. The higher your income tax bracket, the higher your percentage. 

How to Obtain a Tax Deduction for Self-Employment Taxes in Pennsylvania 

The first step in figuring out how much self-employment tax you will have to pay is to determine your income. Once you know your income, you can determine your self-employment tax rate. There are a few ways to get a tax deduction for your self-employment taxes. You can own property in Pennsylvania, for example, and pay property taxes on it. You can also take a business interest in a non-viable business and pay sales and property taxes on the assets. Another way to get a tax deduction is to have an employees’ trust, and have the trust pay taxes on the employees’ earnings. You can also claim the Human Resources Tax Credit, which is a tax credit for employer-provided benefits, and has different rules and limits. 

What Will Be Your Employees’ Earnings in 2022? 

Your employees will make money when they work for you. The key to figuring out how much income they will make is to look at what they are making now. If they are making a lot of money, it won’t matter how much you tax them; they will pay a higher percentage of their income to the state. If, however, your employees are making a small amount, and you only tax them on a percentage of their income, you can save a lot of money by paying their taxes on a entity-by-entity basis. This will allow you to avoid a large tax bill because a small business won’t have as much income to pay as a large one. Check out our article on optimizing your business for self-employment tax. 


With the number of options for financing a business expansion, it can be challenging for businesses to determine which type of tax they will need to pay in 2022. With the amount of taxes increasing, it can be difficult to know where your company will fit in with regard to taxes. To make sure your business is prepared for self-employment taxes in 2022, calculate your income tax and employment tax now, and make sure you are in the correct tax bracket.

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How to Calculate Your Self-employment Taxes in Illinois in 2022 

How to Calculate Your Self-employment Taxes in Illinois in 2022 

October 4, 2022

How to Calculate Your Self-employment Taxes in Illinois in 2022


Accounting, CPA, Taxes

Self-employment taxes are paid by the employer on behalf of its employees. But for those who choose to run their own business, they’re payments they need to take care of themselves. To find out how much self-employment tax you should pay in Illinois this year, you need to understand your business earnings and expenses. Here are a few steps to help you get started. 

What is self-employment tax? 

Self-employment tax is the portion of income tax that employers pay on behalf of their employees who are not associated with an employer. The corporate income tax is the most common form of self-employment tax. Other forms, including the unique medical and disability tax and the long-term care tax, are also imposed on some non-employee income. In addition, some states impose an additional tax on unincorporated businesses called the “add-on tax.” 

What does self-employment tax pay for? 

The revenue generated by the tax goes toward funding public programs that help employees, including: Social Security and Medicare – These are the mainstays of the federal and state tax codes, and they both rely on revenue from employment. Other taxes, such as the excise tax on carbon, fuel and other greenhouse gas emissions, are paid by businesses as well. 

What is an employer’s share of self-employment tax in Illinois? 

Employers are required to pay a portion of the income tax their employees pay to the IRS. In Illinois, that obligation is known as “providing the platform for employment.” 

How much should you pay in self-employment tax in Illinois this year? 

Self-employed individuals should pay the same amount they do for other taxpayers. The amount is set by law and varies depending on your income and filing status. The following percentages are used to determine your tax obligation.

Single or head of household: 11% Married person filing jointly: 12.5% Married person filing separately: 17% 

Married filing jointly: $250,000 
Married filing separate: $125,000 
Single :$200,00 
Head of household (with qualifying person) $200,000 
Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child $200,000 (Additional Medicare Taxes Threshold Amount) 

Final words: Should you pay self-employment tax in Illinois this year? 

For many American families, the decision to become self-employed is a crucial one. It allows people to put their own identity back into the workforce, and it allows them to pursue a new career while they build out their business. Business success can lead to medical advancements, a better financial future and a boost in the community. It’s very possible that success will lead to increased support for policies that support entrepreneurship, such as the creation of a National Self-Employment Tax Holiday. 

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Corporate Income Tax Filing Requirement in Texas

Corporate Income Tax Filing Requirement in Texas

October 2, 2022

Corporate Income Tax Filing Requirement in Texas


Accounting, CPA, Taxes, Texas

As a small business owner in Texas, you’re responsible for filing a corporate income tax return every year. This post will outline the requirements for tax filing in 2022 and provide some tips to help make the process as easy as possible. 

Filing your corporate income tax return is a mandatory requirement in Texas, and it’s important to understand the filing deadlines and what taxes you’re responsible for. In this post, we’ll cover the most important things you need to know about corporate income tax in Texas. 

What Is the Corporate Income Tax?

Let’s start with the basics. The corporate income tax is a tax levied on the income of corporations. In Texas, the corporate income tax rate is 0.75%. 

That might not sound like a lot, but if your business generates a lot of income, it can add up quickly. And that’s why it’s important to file your corporate income tax return on time. If you don’t, you could face penalties and interest charges. 

Do All Businesses Have to Pay the Corporate Income Tax?

Not all businesses have to pay the corporate income tax. The tax applies to businesses that are organized as corporations, and it’s calculated using the taxable income of the corporation. 

There are a few exceptions, however. The first is a business that’s organized as a sole proprietorship or partnership. These businesses don’t pay the corporate income tax— instead, the owners report the business income on their personal tax returns. 

The second exception is a company that’s considered to be an S corporation. An S corporation is a special kind of corporation that’s taxed like a partnership. This means that the income and losses of the company are passed through to the shareholders, and they report it on their personal tax returns. 

There are a few other exceptions, but these are the most common ones. If you’re not sure whether your business has to pay the corporate income tax, you should consult with a tax professional or a CPA. 

How Is the Corporate Income Tax Calculated?

The corporate income tax in Texas is a flat rate of 0.75%. & 0.375% for retailers & wholesalers That means that all businesses in Texas pay the same percentage, regardless of their size or profits. 

To figure out how much you owe, you’ll need to calculate your taxable income. This is your total income minus any deductible expenses. There are quite a few of these, so it’s a good idea to speak to an accountant to get a clear idea of what you can and can’t claim. 

How Often Is the Corporate Income Tax Paid?

Do you know how often your company is required to file a corporate income tax return in Texas? In most cases, it’s every year. The deadline is usually May 15, and you can find more information on the Texas comptroller’s website. 

But it’s important to note that there are some exceptions. For example, if your company has been in business for less than 12 months, or if it has zero income for the year, you may not need to file a return. So be sure to check the rules carefully to make sure you’re in compliance. 

And if you’re not sure what to do, don’t worry—our team can help you out. We’re experts when it comes to corporate income tax filing in Texas, and we’ll make sure everything is done correctly and on time. 


What Are the Penalties for Not Paying the Corporate Income Tax?

So what happens if you don’t pay your corporate income tax? Well, the penalties can be pretty harsh. The state can levy a penalty of up to 20 percent of the unpaid tax, and they can also impose interest and late payment fees. 

In addition, the state can seize your assets and put a lien on your property. They can also bring criminal charges against you, and you could end up going to jail. Yikes! 

As you can see, it’s important to stay on top of your corporate income tax obligations and file your return on time. The penalties for not doing so can be costly and damaging to your business. 

Are There Any Exceptions to the Corporate Income Tax?

You may be wondering if there are any exceptions to the corporate income tax. The good news is that there are a few. Here are just a few: 

  • Religious organizations are exempt from corporate taxes.
  • Charitable organizations are exempt from corporate taxes.
  • Social welfare organizations are exempt from corporate taxes.
  • Labor unions are exempt from corporate taxes.
  • Farmers’ cooperatives are exempt from corporate taxes.
  • Homeowners’ associations are exempt from corporate taxes.

As a small business owner in Texas, it’s important to stay up to date on the corporate income tax filing requirements. The deadline for filing your corporate income tax return is April 15, and you can file online or by mail. 

If you have any questions about corporate income tax in Texas, or need help filing your return, our team of experts is here to help. We can take the hassle out of tax season and make sure your return is filed on time and accurately. 

Contact us today to learn more about corporate income tax in Texas and how we can help you file your return. 

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What You Need to Know About California’s Corporate Income Tax in 2022 

What You Need to Know About California’s Corporate Income Tax in 2022 

October 1, 2022

California Corporate Income Tax 2022


Accounting, California, CPA, Taxes

As a business owner in California, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest corporate income tax rates and requirements. In 2022, the corporate income tax rate in California will be 8.84%. This is the rate you’ll be charged on your taxable income, which is calculated after subtracting any deductions or exemptions you may qualify for. 

There are also a number of tax credits and incentives available to California businesses. To learn more about these, and to find out if you qualify, visit the website of the California Franchise Tax Board. 

In this article, we’ll provide a brief overview of corporate income tax in California for businesses in 2022. We’ll also list some of the most important things you need to know, including the tax rate and exemptions. 

Corporate Income Tax Rates 

Here’s what you need to know about California’s Corporate Income Tax rates in 2022. The tax is levied on the taxable income of corporations, and there are three rates: 8.84 percent, 10.84 percent, and 12.84 percent. 

There are also a number of deductions and credits that can be taken into account when calculating your corporate income tax, so it’s important to consult with a tax professional to make sure you’re taking advantage of everything you’re entitled to. 

Filing Requirements 

So you’re a business owner in California? Here’s what you need to know about the state’s corporate income tax. 

Taxable income is calculated by subtracting deductible expenses from gross income. And there are a few different ways to file: you can file using the calendar year, the fiscal year, or the weighted average basis. 

You’ll also need to decide whether to file your return electronically or through the mail. If you choose to file electronically, you’ll need to use certified software that’s been approved by the California Franchise Tax Board. 

And don’t forget—the deadline for filing is April 15! 

Payment Options 

When it comes to paying your corporate income tax, you have a few different payment options. You can pay online, by phone, or by mail. But whatever you do, make sure you submit your payment on time! 

If you’re paying online, you can use the California Franchise Tax Board’s (FTB) My FTB portal. Just make sure you have your account information ready. You can also pay by phone by dialing 800-852-5711. 

And if you’re mailing in your payment, just make sure you send it to the right address. Here it is: 

California Franchise Tax Board 

PO Box 942867 

Sacramento, CA 94267-0001 

Other Considerations 

There are a few other things you’ll need to consider when it comes to California’s corporate income tax in 2022. For starters, the tax is based on a percentage of your taxable income. That means you’ll need to keep track of all your business expenses so that you can accurately calculate your taxable income. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that the tax applies to both resident and nonresident corporations. So, if you’re a business owner who operates in California but is based in another state, you’ll need to pay the corporate income tax. 

The good news is that there are a number of deductions and exemptions that you can claim to reduce your taxable income. Make sure to speak with an accountant or tax specialist to learn more about what these are and how they might apply to your business. 


As of right now, California’s corporate income tax rate is 8.84%. This is the rate that all corporations within the state must pay on their taxable income. The deadline for filing your corporate income tax return is the same as your personal income tax return – April 15. 

Make sure you are aware of these rates and deadlines so that you can file your taxes correctly and on time. 


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