Blog Post CPA Taxes

Creating a Business Tax Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide for Working with Your CPA

Creating a Business Tax Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide for Working with Your CPA

January 9, 2023

Two people looking at a business tax plan


Accounting, CPA, Taxes

I. Introduction

A. Importance of a Business Tax Plan

A well-designed business tax plan can help a company achieve its financial goals while staying compliant with tax laws. It allows a business to identify potential deductions and credits, evaluate tax liability, and plan for tax payments. By proactively addressing tax considerations, a business can minimize its tax liability and maximize its cash flow.

B. Working with a CPA

Working with a certified public accountant (CPA) is an important aspect of creating a comprehensive and effective business tax plan. A CPA is a trained professional who has the expertise to guide businesses through the complex tax laws and regulations. They can provide advice on tax-saving strategies and help ensure compliance with tax laws. A CPA can also help a business stay current with changes in tax laws and regulations, which can be a significant benefit in today’s rapidly changing tax environment. By working with a CPA, a business can develop a tax plan that is tailored to its unique needs and goals.

II. Identifying Business Tax Needs

A. Understanding Business Financials

The first step in identifying a business’s tax needs is to understand its financials. This includes reviewing income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements to gain an understanding of the business’s revenue, expenses, and profitability. A CPA can assist in this process by providing guidance on financial statement analysis and identifying any potential issues or areas for improvement. By understanding the financials, a business can make informed decisions about its tax strategy.

B. Determining Potential Deductions and Credits

Once a business has a clear understanding of its financials, the next step is to determine potential deductions and credits. These can include deductions for business expenses such as rent, equipment, and employee benefits. There may also be tax credits available for certain types of businesses or specific business activities. A CPA can assist in identifying these deductions and credits, which can help to minimize the business’s tax liability.

C. Evaluating Tax Liability

Evaluating the business’s tax liability is an essential step in identifying tax needs. This involves assessing the business’s current and projected income tax liability and determining if any tax planning strategies can be used to reduce it. Factors to consider include the business’s profitability, expected growth, and potential changes in tax laws. A CPA can provide guidance on evaluating tax liability, and use their knowledge of the tax laws to give advice on how to minimize the tax burden on the business.

By understanding business financials, identifying potential deductions and credits and evaluating tax liability, business owner will get a clear picture of the business tax situation which will be the starting point for next step in the process: developing the tax plan.

III. Developing the Tax Plan

A. Setting Financial Goals

A key aspect of developing a business tax plan is setting financial goals. This includes determining the business’s short-term and long-term financial objectives, such as increasing revenue, reducing expenses, and improving cash flow. Setting these goals will help the business to focus its tax planning efforts and ensure that its tax strategy aligns with its overall business strategy. A CPA can provide guidance on goal setting and help ensure that the goals are realistic and achievable.

B. Planning for Tax Payments

Once financial goals have been established, the next step is to plan for tax payments. This includes determining the business’s tax liability and determining the best way to meet that liability. This can include planning for estimated tax payments, or taking advantage of tax deferral opportunities. A CPA can provide guidance on tax payment options and assist in developing a plan that meets the business’s financial goals while complying with tax laws and regulations.

C. Implementing Tax-saving Strategies

Implementing tax-saving strategies is an important aspect of developing a tax plan. These strategies can include taking advantage of deductions and credits, utilizing tax-advantaged investment opportunities, and planning for retirement. A CPA can provide guidance on the various tax-saving strategies available and help the business determine which ones are most suitable for its specific circumstances. These strategies can help a business to minimize its tax liability and maximize its cash flow.

By setting financial goals, planning for tax payments, and implementing tax-saving strategies, the business will be able to optimize its tax situation to reach its objectives and be in a good position for the next step: implementation of the plan.

IV. Implementing the Tax Plan

A. Communicating with the CPA

Effective communication is key to successfully implementing a business tax plan. A business should establish regular communication with its CPA to ensure that both parties are aware of any changes to the business’s financial situation or tax laws that may affect the tax plan. A CPA can provide guidance on the best way to communicate financial information and answer any questions the business may have. By maintaining open and regular communication, a business and its CPA can work together to ensure the successful implementation of the tax plan.

B. Keeping Accurate Records

Another important aspect of implementing a business tax plan is keeping accurate records. This includes maintaining detailed records of income and expenses, keeping accurate books and records, and keeping track of all financial transactions. Accurate records are essential for both compliance with tax laws and for demonstrating the accuracy of financial information to the CPA. A CPA can provide guidance on record-keeping best practices and review the business’s records to ensure they are complete and accurate.

C. Staying Compliant with Tax Laws

Staying compliant with tax laws is essential for implementing a business tax plan. This includes understanding and complying with the tax laws that apply to the business, filing required tax returns, and making timely tax payments. A CPA can assist in staying compliant by providing guidance on tax laws and regulations, preparing and filing tax returns, and advising on any necessary compliance measures. By staying compliant with tax laws, a business can avoid costly fines or penalties and can focus on implementing its tax plan to achieve its financial goals.

Implementing a tax plan is an ongoing process and by regularly communicating with a CPA, keeping accurate records and staying compliant with tax laws, business can make sure that the plan is working effectively and make adjustments as needed.

V. Reviewing and Revising the Tax Plan

A. Monitoring Progress Towards Goals

After implementing a business tax plan, it is important to regularly monitor progress towards the established goals. This includes tracking the business’s financial performance and comparing it to the objectives set out in the tax plan. By monitoring progress, a business can identify any areas where the plan is not working as expected, and make adjustments as needed. A CPA can assist in this process by reviewing financial statements, providing guidance on performance metrics, and helping the business track its progress towards its goals.

B. Making Adjustments as Needed

As a business’s financial situation changes, it may be necessary to make adjustments to the tax plan. This can include revising financial goals, adjusting tax-saving strategies, or making changes to the plan’s implementation. A CPA can assist in this process by providing guidance on potential adjustments, recommending changes, and implementing new strategies. By making timely adjustments, a business can ensure that its tax plan remains effective and aligned with its goals.

C. Staying Current with Tax Laws and Regulations

The tax laws and regulations are subject to change, so it is important for a business to stay current with the most recent developments. This includes monitoring for changes in tax laws and regulations, which could have an impact on the business’s tax plan. A CPA can assist in this process by providing updates on new tax laws and regulations, and advising the business on how to stay compliant. By staying current with tax laws and regulations, a business can ensure that its tax plan remains effective and compliant, and take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

Regularly reviewing and revising the tax plan allows business to adjust and optimize the plan to ensure it is meeting the business’s goals and objectives and stays compliant with current laws and regulations. A CPA can play a crucial role in this process by providing guidance and support in every step of the way.

VI. Conclusion

A. Summary of Key Points

Creating a business tax plan is a vital step in achieving financial success and staying compliant with tax laws. It involves understanding the business’s financials, identifying potential deductions and credits, evaluating tax liability, setting financial goals, planning for tax payments, and implementing tax-saving strategies. Regular review and revisions are necessary to ensure the plan remains effective and aligned with the business’s goals. A certified public accountant (CPA) can provide expert guidance and support throughout the process.

B. Importance of Regular Review and Revisions

Regular review and revisions are essential for ensuring that a business tax plan remains effective over time. As the business’s financial situation changes, the tax plan may need to be adjusted to reflect new circumstances. Staying current with tax laws and regulations is also important to ensure that the plan remains compliant. By conducting regular reviews and revisions, a business can ensure that its tax plan remains aligned with its goals and that it is taking full advantage of all tax-saving opportunities.

C. Next Steps for Implementing a Successful Business Tax Plan with the Help of a CPA

To implement a successful business tax plan with the help of a CPA, the first step is to schedule a consultation with a reputable and experienced CPA firm. Don’t let taxes hold your business back. Contact Peak Reliance CPA today at +1 (718) 218-5558 or via email at to schedule a consultation and start developing a comprehensive business tax plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. During the consultation, the CPA will review your business’s financials, identify potential deductions and credits, and evaluate your tax liability. Based on this information, the CPA will work with you to set financial goals, plan for tax payments, and implement tax-saving strategies. Ongoing communication and regular reviews will help to ensure the continued success of the tax plan.

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Small Business Financing: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Options

Small Business Financing: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Options

January 5, 2023

Small Business Financing: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Options


Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxes

Starting a small business is an exciting and potentially lucrative endeavor, but it requires significant financial resources. Securing the necessary funding to cover start-up costs, working capital and other expenses can be difficult and overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to understand the various small business financing options available. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll get a better understanding of the different financing methods available, so you can make the best decisions for your business. From traditional loans to venture capital and crowdfunding, you’ll get details on the advantages and disadvantages of each type of small business financing, so you can make an informed decision. With this guide, you’ll be better equipped to secure the right type of financing to help your business grow and succeed.

Types of Small Business Financing

There are several types of small business financing available to entrepreneurs, including traditional sources of financing, venture capital, crowdfunding, business credit cards and grants. Traditional sources of financing include bank loans and SBA loans, while venture capital includes angel investors and equity crowdfunding. Business credit cards let you make purchases now and pay them off over time, and grants are free money available to businesses in certain industries.

a. Traditional Sources of Financing

Traditional sources of small business financing include obtaining loans from banks and other lending institutions and taking out equity investments from individuals and companies.

Bank Loans – Bank loans are a common source of financing for small businesses. There are several types of bank loans, including secured and unsecured loans, lines of credit and term loans. Bank loans have fixed interest rates and repayment schedules, so they’re usually most appropriate for cash flow-intensive industries. One potential downside to bank loans is you may be required to put up collateral, like your house or other assets, to secure the loan. To qualify for a bank loan, you’ll typically need to demonstrate you have enough cash flow to repay the loan.

SBA Loans – The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers a wide variety of financing products, including the 7(a) Loan Program, which is available to qualified businesses seeking financing for machinery, equipment, inventory and real estate. The SBA’s Microloan Program provides loans under $50,000 to help very small businesses get started or expand. The SBA also offers the Certified Development Company program that provides loans to finance businesses in rural areas and low-income communities.

Equity Investments – You can also approach individuals and businesses for equity investments. Equity investors provide cash for your business in exchange for partial ownership, and they typically expect to profit from the business through the sale of shares or through dividend payments. Equity investments are appropriate for businesses that don’t require a lot of working capital and are already profitable.

Other Traditional Sources of Financing – In addition to bank loans and equity investments, there are several other traditional sources of financing available to small businesses, including credit card debt and factoring. Credit card debt requires you to pay a significant amount of interest, but it’s easy to obtain and can help you bridge the gap between payments. Factoring involves borrowing money against the amount your customers owe you.

b. Venture Capital

Venture capital is financing provided by an investor in exchange for a share of your company, equity. These investors are typically very wealthy individuals or companies that want to make a significant financial investment in a small business that has potential for significant growth. You may choose to take out venture capital if you don’t want to give up partial ownership of your company. However, venture capitalists typically have significant experience and connections to help your business succeed. You may wish to pursue venture capital if you don’t want to take out a loan, but you have a proven track record and the necessary collateral.

Angel Investors – Angel investors are individuals who provide money for start-up companies in exchange for partial ownership of the business. You may find angel investors at trade shows or conferences, on online investment networks or through referrals. Angel investors typically want a significant share of the company and may also want to sit on your board of directors. Angel investors are a good source of venture capital, but they may not be your best option if you’re looking for a lot of funding.

Equity Crowdfunding – Equity crowdfunding refers to raising money from a large number of investors who each contribute a small amount. These investors typically use crowdfunding platforms to invest in start-up businesses. Equity crowdfunding is often used to raise a relatively small amount of money. For example, a business might use it to fund a marketing campaign. Equity crowdfunding is appropriate for businesses that don’t require a large amount of funding, such as real estate investment trusts (REITs).

c. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is the process of raising money from a large number of people in exchange for rewards, such as goods or services. Crowdfunding platforms host these types of financing campaigns and typically charge a fee for helping companies facilitate these types of financing efforts. Crowdfunding is appropriate for businesses that need relatively small amounts of financing for items like advertising campaigns or product development, or for nonprofits that need funding for specific causes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Type of Financing
  • Advantages of Bank Loans – Bank loans are often a suitable choice for small businesses, as they’re relatively easy to obtain and have predictable repayment terms. Bank loans are appropriate for businesses that need a moderate amount of financing. Bank loans may not be the best choice if you don’t have adequate collateral or a proven record of profitability.
  • Advantages of SBA Loans – SBA loans are particularly beneficial if you have a relatively new business that doesn’t have the necessary collateral. The SBA also provides many types of loans to accommodate businesses in different industries. SBA loans have competitive interest rates and may be flexible when it comes to repayment terms.
  • Advantages of Equity Investments – Equity investments are appropriate for businesses that are already profitable or have potential for significant growth. An equity investment can give you the financing you need without having to take on additional debt.
  • Advantages of Factoring – Factoring is a financing method that’s appropriate for businesses that have a steady flow of income. Factoring is often used to finance accounts receivable, which is money owed to your business by your customers.
  • Advantages of Crowdfunding – Crowdfunding is appropriate for businesses that need relatively small amounts of financing, such as startups or nonprofit organizations.
  • Advantages of Venture Capital – Venture capital is appropriate for businesses with significant growth potential. It may be difficult to obtain venture capital unless you have a proven track record and are willing to give up partial ownership of your company.
Tips for Applying for Financing
  • Bank Loans – When applying for a bank loan, you should have a clear financial plan, including a repayment schedule. You should also have collateral, such as real estate or stocks, to secure the loan. You may also need to provide a personal guarantee, which is a promise that you will repay the loan if your business fails.
  • SBA Loans – When applying for an SBA loan, make sure you meet the criteria and provide a thorough business plan. It’s also important to thoroughly document your financial history to show the SBA that you’re a reliable borrower.
  • Equity Investments – When applying for equity investments, make sure you have a clear business plan and a thorough understanding of your financial situation. In addition, you should already be generating significant revenue or you should have a clear vision for what you need the investment for.
  • Crowdfunding – When applying for crowdfunding, make sure you have a well-written plan and video. You should also carefully research potential crowdfunding platforms, as some are more reputable than others.
  • Venture Capital – When applying for venture capital, make sure you have a thorough business plan and a detailed pitch deck. You should also attend networking events and conferences to make connections and gain exposure.

Starting a business is an exciting endeavor and can be financially rewarding, but it can also be challenging. Before starting a business, it’s important to understand the different types of financing available, so you can make an informed decision about the type of financing you need. From traditional sources of financing, such as bank loans and SBA loans, to venture capital and crowdfunding, there are several financing options to choose from.

Need help finding the right financing option for your small business? Contact our team at +1 (718) 218-5558 or for expert guidance and personalized recommendations. Don’t let the process of finding funding hold you back – let us help you take the next steps towards success.

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Financing, Small Business, Small Business Owners

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2022 Pennsylvania Income Tax: A Guide for Business Owners

2022 Pennsylvania Income Tax: A Guide for Business Owners

January 2, 2023

Illustration of Pennsylvania's map and tax filing icon representing corporate income tax in Pennsylvania


Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxes

If you live in Pennsylvania, you should be aware that the state has an income tax system that you’ll need to account for. Pennsylvania income tax can be confusing, but understanding its rules and regulations can help you maximize your returns and minimize your headache come tax season. With that in mind, here’s what you need to know about Pennsylvania income tax for 2022.

Overview of Pennsylvania income tax

If you live in Pennsylvania, you’ll need to file state income tax each year. The amount you pay will depend on how much you make and the type of income you receive. Pennsylvania’s income tax system is progressive, which means you’ll pay a higher rate on higher levels of earnings. The state’s income tax system is also opposite to federal tax rules in one key way: Pennsylvania taxes your earned income (salary, tips, etc.), but not your investment income (interest, dividends, etc.). The state income tax filing deadline is the same as the federal filing deadline: April 15th. You’ll need to report all your income to properly file your taxes, but Pennsylvania provides several deductions and credits you can use to reduce the amount you owe.

Pennsylvania income tax rates

Pennsylvania’s income tax rates change each year, so you’ll need to check the current rates before filing your taxes. The state’s tax rates for the 2022 tax year are as follows:

  • 3.07% on income between $0-$9,200
  • 3.07% on income between $9,201-$19,400
  • 3.07% on income between $19,401-$31,700
  • 3.07% on income between $31,701-$51,800
  • 3.07% on income between $51,801-$72,100
  • 3.07% on income between $72,101-$124,300
  • 3.07% on income between $124,301-$250,000
  • 3.07% on income over $250,000
Pennsylvania income tax deductions

Pennsylvania residents can deduct certain expenses from their taxes to reduce their overall bill. You can only deduct expenses that you incur during the normal course of your daily life, not expenses related to a special event or something out of the ordinary.

Some common deductions include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Interest paid on a mortgage
  • Contributions to certain organizations
  • Property taxes
  • State income tax (if you itemize)
  • Certain work-related expenses

Some Pennsylvania taxpayers can claim a state income tax deduction for the amount they pay for long-term care insurance. This deduction is only available to people age 65 and older, and it can reduce your tax bill significantly if you have significant health care expenses. If you’re paying for long-term care, be sure to check whether you qualify for this deduction.

Pennsylvania income tax credits

In addition to deductions, Pennsylvania also offers income tax credits to help you reduce your tax bill. Credits are different from deductions in that they directly reduce the amount of taxes you owe. Pennsylvania offers several credits that you can use to reduce your taxes, including:

  • The earned income tax credit (EITC)
  • The dependent care credit
  • The child and dependent care credit
  • The senior citizen homeowners’ property tax relief credit
  • The disabled veterans’ property tax relief credit If you qualify for any of those credits, you can use them to reduce your income tax bill by a significant amount.
Pennsylvania income tax filing deadlines

Pennsylvania’s income tax filing deadline is April 15th, the same as for federal taxes. That means you’ll have to file your taxes by the end of the day on April 15th every year. You’ll need to report all your income to properly file your taxes, but Pennsylvania provides several deductions and credits you can use to reduce the amount you owe. Depending on how much you earn and how many deductions and credits you can use, the filing process could take some time. If you’re unsure where to start, you can use an online tax filing service to help simplify the process.

Pennsylvania income tax calculators

If you want to know how much you’ll owe in taxes this year, you’ll need to calculate how much you’ve earned and how much you’ve spent. However, calculating your taxes by hand can be complicated and confusing, especially if you have a complicated tax situation. Fortunately, there are several online tax calculators designed to help you navigate the process. You can use these tools to estimate your total annual earnings, deductions, and taxes. Depending on the website you use, you can even plug in information about your dependents to calculate their tax credits and deductions as well.

Pennsylvania income tax forms

When you file your taxes, you’ll need to attach several documents to your return. Each of these documents serves a different purpose, and many of them have specific instructions on how to fill them out.

Some of the most common forms you’ll need to file with your taxes include:

  • W-2
  • Federal income tax form
  • 1040 
  • 1040A
  • 1040EZ
  • Schedule C
  • Schedule D
  • Schedule E
  • Schedule A 
  • Pennsylvania state income tax form 
  • Pennsylvania income tax form

If you use an online tax service to file your taxes, the website should walk you through the process of filling out each form and attaching it to your return.

Pennsylvania income tax payment options

When you file your taxes, you’ll owe the amount shown on your final return. However, you can choose to pay your taxes in installments. If you have a large bill, paying in installments can help reduce the stress of one hefty payment. You can make an installment payment when you file your taxes, or you can request a payment plan from the state. If you request a payment plan, you’ll have to pay a fee, but you’ll also have more time to pay off your bill. Depending on your financial situation, an installment payment could lower your credit score.

Pennsylvania income tax scams

Unfortunately, there are scammers out there who want to take advantage of you at tax time.

Be on the lookout for these common income tax scams:

  • Phishing emails: Tax scammers can send you emails that look like they’re from the IRS. These emails are often very convincing, but they’re not real. If you get an e-mail from the IRS, call the official number on their website to make sure it’s real.
  • Tax preparer fraud: Some unscrupulous tax preparers misrepresent their services and charge unjustified fees. You can protect yourself by choosing a reputable tax preparer and keeping an eye out for signs of fraud.
  • Fake charities: During tax season, scammers often set up fake charities designed to appeal to potential donors. If you want to donate to your favorite charity, research them to make sure they’re legitimate.
Pennsylvania income tax resources

In addition to this article, you can find more Pennsylvania income tax information online. The state Department of Revenue offers an overview of the state income tax system and a complete list of forms and publications related to state taxes. The IRS also offers an overview of federal tax rules, as well as links to federal tax forms and publications.

Need help with your corporate income taxes in Pennsylvania? Contact us at +1 (718) 218-5558 or to learn more about our services and get expert assistance with your tax obligations.


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Corporate income tax, Pennsylvania

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Corporate Income Tax in New York: A Complete Guide for 2022

Corporate Income Tax in New York: A Complete Guide for 2022

January 1, 2023

Map of New York with tax icon, representing corporate income tax information for the state


Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxes

Are you running a business in New York and looking for information about corporate income tax in 2022? You’ve come to the right place! New York has a complicated tax system, and it can be overwhelming to understand all the rules and regulations, but fear not – this article provides all the essential details you need to know about corporate income tax in New York in 2022. We’ll start with a brief overview of the state’s tax structure, then go into the specifics of what’s applicable to your business. We’ll also provide insight into how New York’s corporate income tax compares to other states, as well as what tax credits and deductions are available to businesses. Finally, we will provide tips to ensure you’re in compliance with the law and paying the correct amount of tax. So, if you’re ready to learn everything you need to know about corporate income tax in New York in 2022, let’s get started!

Overview of New York State Tax Structure

New York has a progressive tax structure that consists of three levels – state, county, and local. For the state level, New York’s income tax is based on the federal income tax system. At the county level, there are no local income taxes, but there’s an alternative minimum tax that applies to certain types of businesses. Finally, local taxes vary significantly, and there’s no standardized system for calculating them. As a result, it’s very important to check with your city or county to determine exactly how much you’ll owe. There are a number of deductions and credits available to help individuals and businesses lower their tax burden, and taxpayers can also claim New York’s tax rate reduction credit.

Corporate Income Tax Rates in New York in 2022

The New York corporate income tax rate is 8.82%. Corporate tax rates are applied to the taxable income of a corporation. The taxable income is determined by subtracting any allowable deductions from the federal taxable income. To calculate the New York corporate income tax, you must use taxable income, which is different from gross income. Gross income is the amount of income a business receives before any deductions are taken. For example, if a company has a net profit of $100,000, gross income would be $100,000. When a company pays out salaries and benefits to employees, they are reducing gross income. Taxes are also subtracted from gross income. So if a company pays $25,000 in taxes, the gross income is reduced to $75,000. Taxable income is calculated by taking gross income and subtracting deductions.

How New York’s Corporate Income Tax Compares to Other States

New York’s tax rate is significantly higher than average, which might cause businesses to look for alternatives. However, a high tax rate can also be a positive factor, as it demonstrates that the state has a robust economy and the ability to invest in important programs like education. Furthermore, New York’s tax rate reduction credit, which we’ll outline in a moment, can help businesses offset the cost of the state’s corporate income tax. 

Tax Credits and Deductions Available to Businesses in New York

New York offers businesses a variety of tax credits and deductions to help lower their tax burden. For example, the New York State Research and Development Tax Credit provides an incentive for companies to conduct research and development activities in the state. Another tax credit available to businesses in New York is the Empire State Manufacturing Credit. This credit encourages manufacturers to create new jobs in New York. There are also a number of deductions available to help businesses lower their taxable income. For example, you may be able to deduct any applicable equipment and machinery, as well as the cost of energy used for operation and maintenance. There are a number of other deductions you can claim as well. By taking advantage of all the credits and deductions available, along with the New York state tax rate reduction credit, businesses can significantly reduce their tax burden.

Filing Requirements for Corporate Income Tax in New York

If you operate a corporation in New York, you’re required to file Form IT-201, Corporate Income Tax Return, by the last day of the fourth month after the end of the fiscal year. This means that for fiscal years ending on December 31, 2022, the due date is April 15, 2023. If you fail to file your taxes on time, you’ll receive a non-filing penalty. To avoid paying this penalty, you can pay what you owe plus interest, file an extension, or request a waiver of the penalty. As a corporation owner, you’re also required to file an owner’s withholding allowance certificate. If you fail to do so, you could receive a penalty of $50 or 10% of the amount that should have been withheld. Furthermore, you may be required to provide a certified copy of your federal income tax return.

Tips for Compliance with Corporate Income Tax in New York

Now that you have a good understanding of New York’s corporate income tax rules, you can take steps to ensure compliance. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track:

  • Review the tax rules for your industry. If you run a small business, it can be challenging to stay on top of all the tax rules. This is particularly true for industries that have special tax rules, such as insurance, real estate, and health care. Reviewing the rules for your industry can help you stay informed and avoid costly mistakes. Stay on top of your accounting
  • Poor record-keeping can lead to mistakes, and these mistakes can result in additional taxes. If you fail to report a business expense, you may not be able to claim it on your tax return. Also, if you fail to report income, you may end up owing more than you need to.

The New York corporate income tax rate is significantly higher than the average state rate. Additionally, the state has one of the highest rates among the largest economies in the country. Although a high tax rate can be troublesome for businesses, New York has a robust economy and the ability to invest in important programs like education. Fortunately, there are a number of tax credits and deductions available to help businesses lower their tax burden. Additionally, corporations are required to file Form IT-201, Corporate Income Tax Return, by the last day of the fourth month after the end of the fiscal year. Now that you have a good understanding of New York’s corporate income tax rules, you can take steps to ensure compliance. Remember, your tax situation will likely change over the next few years. Be sure to stay informed on any new tax laws or regulations, and take steps to ensure compliance.

Need help with your corporate income taxes in New York? Contact us at +1 (718) 218-5558 or to learn more about our services and get expert assistance with your tax obligations.

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Corporate income tax, New York

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Georgia Corporate Tax Changes for 2022: A Quick Reference Guide

Georgia Corporate Tax Changes for 2022: A Quick Reference Guide

December 31, 2022

Map of Georgia with person in corporate setting, representing corporate tax changes for the state in 2022


Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxes

The state of Georgia is making some major changes to its corporate tax laws in 2022, and you need to know what this means for your business. The changes are designed to make it easier for businesses to operate in the state, as well as simplify the corporate tax filing process. You’ll need to understand the new rules and how they’ll affect your business in order to stay compliant and take advantage of the benefits. This article will provide an overview of the upcoming changes and what you need to know in order to make sure you’re in the know.

Who will be affected by the changes?

All corporations that operate in Georgia and make more than $50,000 in annual income will be impacted by the upcoming changes. The new laws will affect both for-profit and nonprofit companies, as well as any corporation that is registered as a S-Corp or LLC. 

What are the new rules and regulations?

The following is a breakdown of the new rules and regulations that have been put into place in 2022:

  • Taxes will no longer be calculated monthly.
  • Taxes will be collected on an annual basis instead, making the filing process simpler for business owners.
  • Taxes will be calculated based on total income.
  • The corporate tax rate will be calculated based on the total amount of income the business made over the course of the year.
  • Taxable income will no longer include bonuses and equity.
  • Bonuses, equity, and other non-regular wages will no longer be included in the taxable income of the business, making it easier for employees to earn a living.
  • Franchise tax will be replaced with a gross receipts tax.
  • A gross receipts tax will replace the state franchise tax, making it easier for businesses to pay taxes.
  • Simplified accounting methods.
  • The new rules will simplify the accounting methods used to calculate taxes and will make it easier to calculate taxes.
How will the changes affect my business?

The changes to Georgia’s corporate tax laws are positive for businesses operating in the state. As mentioned, taxes will be calculated based on total income and will replace the current system that relies on a monthly revenue stream. This means taxes will be calculated based on the overall profit of the business, rather than the amount of money coming in each month. This will simplify the tax filing process, making it easier for business owners to calculate what they owe. Taxes will be collected on an annual basis, making it even easier to file taxes and stay compliant with state laws. In addition to making it easier for businesses owners to file taxes, the new rules will also simplify how businesses account for the money they make. Specifically, the new tax laws will make it easier to calculate what you owe and will simplify the methods businesses use to account for their revenue and expenses. Overall, the changes will make it easier to operate in the state and will make it simpler for businesses to stay compliant and pay taxes.

What are the benefits of the changes?

The changes to Georgia’s corporate taxes will simplify the tax filing process, making it easier for businesses to pay taxes and remain compliant. In addition, the new rules will make it easier for businesses to calculate what they owe and will simplify the methods used to account for revenue and income. Overall, the new changes make it easier to operate in the state and will make it easier for businesses to take advantage of the benefits offered by the state.

Need help with your corporate income taxes in Georgia? Contact us at +1 (718) 218-5558 or to learn more about our services and get expert assistance with your tax obligations.

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Corporate Income Tax Rate in Illinois: A Comprehensive Guide for 2022

Corporate Income Tax Rate in Illinois: A Comprehensive Guide for 2022

December 30, 2022

Map of Illinois with person in corporate setting, representing corporate tax changes for the state in 2022


Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxes

If you are planning to set up a business in Illinois, you need to know about the corporate income tax rate for 2022. Knowing this information is vital for businesses to stay within the legal framework and remain compliant with the applicable laws. This article will provide you with all the necessary information you need to know about the corporate income tax rate in Illinois for 2022. You will find out about the corporate income tax rate, the taxable income brackets, and other important details that are important to be aware of. With this information, businesses will be able to plan their finances and be aware of how much they will need to pay in taxes when they set up their operations in Illinois.

Overview of Corporate Income Tax in Illinois

The corporate income tax rate in Illinois is 9.5%. This rate is applied to the corporate net income of companies operating in Illinois. This rate is applicable when an individual sets up a business in Illinois or when a company chooses to operate from Illinois. In this case, the business will need to pay the corporate income tax rate in Illinois. The corporate income tax is a tax that is levied on the income of companies. The rate of tax that is levied on this income will depend on the type of business and the state where the business is operating from. The corporate income tax rate in Illinois is one of the highest rates in the US. This means that companies will need to pay more taxes compared to other states where the rate is lower. Companies that operate from Illinois will also need to pay this tax on the profit that they earn from operations in other states.

Taxable Income Brackets for 2022

The taxable income brackets for Illinois in 2022 are as follows:

Single Filers:

  • $0 – $10,000: 4.75%
  • $10,001 – $100,000: 4.90%
  • Over $100,000: 4.95%

Married Filing Jointly:

  • $0 – $20,000: 4.75%
  • $20,001 – $200,000: 4.90%
  • Over $200,000: 4.95%

Head of Household:

  • $0 – $15,000: 4.75%
  • $15,001 – $150,000: 4.90%
  • Over $150,000: 4.95%

It’s important to note that these income brackets and rates may be subject to change each year. It’s always a good idea to stay up-to-date on the latest tax laws and rates.

How to Calculate Corporate Income Tax

First, you need to know what the corporate income tax is. The corporate income tax is a tax that is levied on the income of companies. The rate of tax that is levied on this income will depend on the type of business and the state where the business is operating from. The corporate income tax rate in Illinois is one of the highest rates in the US. This means that companies will need to pay more taxes compared to other states where the rate is lower. Next, you will need to identify what type of business you are operating from Illinois. This will help you determine the rate of corporate income tax that you need to pay. After identifying the type of business you are operating from Illinois, you will need to calculate the net income of your business. To do this, you need to add all of your business expenses and then subtract your revenues. The amount that remains is your net income.

How to File Corporate Income Tax in Illinois

Businesses that operate from Illinois and have a net income of more than $300,000 will need to file corporate income tax in Illinois. The businesses will have to file a corporate income tax return within the due date of the return. The due date is based on the type of business and the tax year that the business is operating from. If a business files their corporate income tax after the due date, they will have to pay a penalty. The penalty is 5% of the amount that is due. If a business files their corporate income tax after the due date, they will have to pay a penalty. The penalty is 5% of the amount that is due. To file the corporate income tax in Illinois, businesses will have to use Form IL-105. The form will ask you to provide information about your business, such as the type of business, the net income of your business, and the amount of tax that you owe to Illinois. To know what information you need to provide, you can go through the Form IL-105.

Resources to Help Businesses Calculate Corporate Income Tax
  1. The Illinois Department of Revenue: The state’s official revenue agency has a webpage dedicated to corporate income tax, with information on how to calculate and pay your tax, as well as forms and instructions.

  2. Tax software: There are many tax software programs that can help businesses calculate their corporate income tax. Some popular options include TurboTax and H&R Block.

  3. Accountants and tax professionals: If you’re uncertain about how to calculate your corporate income tax, consider seeking the advice of a professional. Accountants and tax attorneys can provide expert guidance and help ensure that you’re paying the correct amount of tax.

  4. Tax calculator: You can also use an online tax calculator to help estimate your corporate income tax. Just be aware that these calculators may not take into account all the specific tax laws and rules that apply to your business, so they should be used as a rough guide only.


The corporate income tax rate in Illinois is 9.5%. This rate is applied to the corporate net income of companies operating in Illinois. This rate is applicable when an individual sets up a business in Illinois or when a company chooses to operate from Illinois. In this case, the business will need to pay the corporate income tax rate in Illinois. The corporate income tax is a tax that is levied on the income of companies. The rate of tax that is levied on this income will depend on the type of business and the state where the business is operating from. The rates for the previous years were 3.0% on the first $50,000 in taxable income, 5.25% on taxable income between $50,000 and $100,000, and 5.9% on taxable income exceeding $100,000.

Need help with your corporate income taxes in Illinois? Contact us at +1 (718) 218-5558 or to learn more about our services and get expert assistance with your tax obligations.

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Corporate income tax, Illinois

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New Jersey Self Employment Tax Guide for 2022: What You Need to Know

New Jersey Self Employment Tax Guide for 2022: What You Need to Know

December 29, 2022


Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxes

If you’re a self-employed individual or small business owner in New Jersey, you may be wondering what you need to know about self-employment tax in 2022. Self-employment tax is a type of tax paid by individuals who are self-employed, such as freelancers, independent contractors, and small business owners. It’s a combination of Medicare and Social Security taxes that must be paid on any net income earned from self-employment. In New Jersey, the self-employment tax rate is 15.3%. Understanding the details of self-employment tax, including the filing requirements and deadlines, can help ensure that you don’t face any surprises when it comes time to file your taxes. Read on to learn everything you need to know about self-employment tax in New Jersey for 2022.

What is Self-Employment Tax?

Self-employment tax is a tax that is paid by individuals who are self-employed. It consists of both Medicare and Social Security taxes, and it must be paid on net income earned from self-employment. In other words, self-employed individuals pay themselves a salary that includes both the amount they should be paid for the work they do and taxes on that income. They then pay taxes on the amount they themselves declared as income. While the name sounds like it’s only for entrepreneurs, it can also apply to work in the freelance economy. Self-employed individuals must pay both the employee and employer portion of the Social Security and Medicare taxes. When you calculate the amount of self-employment tax you owe, you will need to account for both the employer’s and the employee’s portion of the Self-Employment Tax. The amount of self-employment tax you owe is determined by your net self-employment earnings and your net profit from the business. You can use the Self-Employment Tax Calculator to figure out how much you owe.

Self-Employment Tax Rate in New Jersey

The self-employment tax rate in New Jersey is 15.3%. This rate applies to individuals who have earned $600 or more from self-employment in a given tax year. The self-employment tax rate in New Jersey is identical to the combined Social Security and Medicare tax rate for employees in the state (15.3%). The self-employment tax rate in New Jersey applies to all individuals who are self-employed, including freelancers, independent contractors, and small business owners.

Who Needs to Pay Self-Employment Tax?

Anyone that earns $600 or more from self-employment in a given tax year must pay self-employment tax. This includes freelancers, independent contractors, and small business owners. Self-employed individuals must pay both the employee and employer portion of the Social Security and Medicare taxes. When you calculate the amount of self-employment tax you owe, you will need to account for both the employer’s and the employee’s portion of the Self-Employment Tax. The amount of self-employment tax you owe is determined by your net self-employment earnings and your net profit from the business. You can use the Self-Employment Tax Calculator to figure out how much you owe.

Self-Employment Tax Deduction

One benefit of paying self-employment tax is that it’s deductible when calculating your taxable income. To claim a deduction for the self-employment tax you paid, you must itemize your deductions on Form 1040, Schedule A, or Form 1040NR, Schedule A. If you paid only the employer’s portion of the Social Security and Medicare taxes, you cannot claim a deduction for self-employment taxes unless you are in business by yourself. You can claim a deduction if you paid both the employer’s and employee’s portions of the Social Security and Medicare taxes. You can deduct the amount of self-employment tax you paid as an above-the-line deduction on Form 1040 or Form 1040NR. However, this means that you must itemize your deductions.

How to Calculate Self-Employment Tax

To calculate the amount of self-employment tax you owe, you first need to calculate your net self-employment earnings. To do this, you will need to subtract any expenses you incurred while working self-employed from any income you earned while self-employed. Once you have calculated your net self-employment earnings, you can use the Self-Employment Tax Calculator to figure out how much you owe. You can also use the chart below to help you calculate self-employment tax more quickly. Net Self-Employment Earnings Calculate your net self-employment earnings by subtracting any expenses you incurred while working self-employed from any income you earned while self-employed. Social Security and Medicare Taxes Calculate the amount of Social Security and Medicare taxes you owe by multiplying your net self-employment earnings by the current Social Security tax rate (6.2%) and the current Medicare tax rate (1.45%). Self-Employment Tax Add the amount of Social Security taxes you owe and the amount of Medicare taxes you owe together to calculate the total amount of self-employment tax you owe.

Self-Employment Tax Filing Requirements

If you owe self-employment tax, you must report it on Form 1040 or Form 1040NR. You must also complete Schedule SE and attach it to your tax return. The deadline to report self-employment tax and file your return is the same as the deadline for employees and self-employed individuals who are not due a tax refund, which is April 15, 2022. If you file an extension to file your tax return, you also have to file an extension to report your self-employment tax. If you owe self-employment tax, be sure to pay the tax by the extended due date. If you don’t, you may face penalties and interest on the amount you owe. There are several payment options available to make payment of your self-employment tax as convenient as possible. You can pay online, by phone, by mail, or in person at a local IRS office.

Self-Employment Tax Deadlines

If you owe self-employment tax, you should file your tax return by the due date, which is April 15, 2023. However, it is best not to wait until the last minute to get your taxes done. In order to give yourself ample time to file your taxes, you should start preparing for them as soon as you have all of your information. If you owe self-employment tax, be sure to pay the tax by the extended due date. If you don’t, you may face penalties and interest on the amount you owe. There are several payment options available to make payment of your self-employment tax as convenient as possible. You can pay online, by phone, by mail, or in person at a local IRS office.


Self-employment tax can be complex, but the more you know about it, the better you can manage your finances. One way to reduce the amount of self-employment tax you owe is to claim deductions where possible. Another way to reduce the amount of self-employment tax you owe is to increase your income by taking on more freelance work or growing your small business.

Need help with your self-employment taxes in New Jersey? Contact us at +1 (718) 218-5558 or to learn more about our services and get expert assistance with your tax obligations.

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New Jersey, Self Employment Taxes

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Balance Sheet vs Income Statement: A Comprehensive Guide

Balance Sheet vs Income Statement: A Comprehensive Guide

December 28, 2022

Difference Between Balance Sheet and Income Statement


Accounting, Bookkeeping

When it comes to understanding the financial health of a company, having a firm grasp of the differences between a balance sheet and an income statement is essential. A balance sheet and an income statement are two of the most important documents used to track and assess a company’s financial performance. While they are both important tools, they provide different insights into the financial health of a company. By understanding the distinction between the two documents, business owners and investors alike will be able to more accurately assess the state of a company’s finances. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the differences between a balance sheet and income statement, as well as the information each document provides about a company’s finances.

What is a Balance Sheet?

A balance sheet is one of the two main financial statements used to track and assess the financial progress of a company. The other financial statement is the income statement, which we will cover in the next section. Unlike the income statement, a balance sheet captures all account balances of a company at a specific point in time. A company’s balance sheet will have three separate components: assets, liabilities, and equity. Assets are the things that a company owns. Liabilities are the debts that a company owes. Equity is the company’s net worth (total value of assets minus the value of liabilities). The difference between assets and liabilities is known as equity, and it reflects the amount of investment that has been put into the company.

What is an Income Statement?

The second main financial statement is the income statement, which captures the amount of money that has been earned by the company over a certain period of time. The income statement will show the amount of revenue a company has generated, as well as the expenses that have been incurred during the same period. The total amount of revenue generated will be equal to the total amount of expenses incurred. The difference between these two figures will be the company’s net profit (or loss). As with a balance sheet, the income statement will have three separate components: revenue, expenses, and net income. Revenue is the total amount of money that the company has generated during a specified time period. Expenses are the total amount of money that has been used to generate that revenue. Net income is the difference between the two figures.

How a Balance Sheet and Income Statement Work Together

The difference between a balance sheet and income statement is that the balance sheet reflects the current financial status of a company, while the income statement reflects the financial activities that have taken place over a specified period of time. As such, both financial statements will be composed of different figures, but they will complement each other. For example, if a company has a high amount of assets, then it will also have a large debt. Conversely, a company that has a small amount of assets compared to the amount of debt it has will have a high equity. The income statement will show the amount of money that has been generated from sales over a specified period of time, while the balance sheet will show the company’s financial status at a particular point in time. When comparing a balance sheet to an income statement, the main thing to look for is the overall relationship between assets, liabilities, and equity.

The Difference Between Balance Sheet and Income Statement

The biggest difference between a balance sheet and income statement is that the balance sheet captures all account balances at a specific point in time, while the income statement captures the financial activities that have taken place over a specified time period. Beyond that, there are several other important distinctions between the two financial statements.

Some of these include:

  • The amount of assets and liabilities on a balance sheet will change over time, but the amount of revenue and expenses recorded on an income statement will be consistent over time
  • Revenue and expenses comprise the two sections on an income statement, while assets, liabilities, and equity comprise the three sections on a balance sheet
  • The main purpose of a balance sheet is to track the financial status of a company, while the main purpose of an income statement is to track how much money has been generated by a company
  • A balance sheet and income statement are two separate documents, but they can also be combined into one document to provide a comprehensive overview of a company’s finances
  • Both accounts are vital to a company’s financial health, but they serve different purposes
Uses of a Balance Sheet

A balance sheet details a company’s financial status at a specific point in time. The balance sheet will list all of the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity. A balance sheet will show the total amount of assets that a company has versus the total amount of liabilities that a company has. The difference between these two figures will be the company’s equity. Assets are things that a company owns, such as cash, property, and inventory. Liabilities are debts that a company owes, such as accounts payable, long-term debt, and other financial obligations. Equity is the amount of investment that has been put into the company.

Uses of an Income Statement

The income statement details the financial activities of a company over a specified period of time. The income statement will list all of the company’s revenue and expenses during that period. The total amount of revenue will be equal to the total amount of expenses. The difference between these two figures will be the company’s net profit (or loss).

Important Financial Ratios Derived from the Balance Sheet and Income Statement

These financial statements can be used to calculate a variety of financial ratios, each of which provides insight into a company’s financial health.

Some of the most common ratios derived from the balance sheet and income statement include the following: 

  • The debt-to-equity ratio measures a company’s debt as a percentage of its equity. The higher the debt-to-equity ratio, the riskier it is for an investor to purchase shares in the company because the debt will need to be repaid before equity holders earn any money.
  • The liquidity ratio measures the company’s ability to pay off its short-term debt (debt with a maturity of less than a year). The liquidity ratio can be calculated by dividing a company’s current assets by its current liabilities.
  • The return on equity ratio measures how much profit the company is generating for each dollar of equity invested in the company. This ratio can be calculated by dividing a company’s net income by its total equity.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Reading Balance Sheets and Income Statements

The biggest mistakes that people make when reading financial statements are focusing too much on one figure, and ignoring the relationship between the figures. For example, someone might fixate on a low amount of equity in a balance sheet, but ignore the fact that the company has a low amount of assets. If a company has a low amount of assets, then it is likely a large percentage of its assets are tied up in long-term assets, such as property and equipment. When reading financial statements, it is important to look at each figure, as well as the relationship between all of the figures. Another common mistake is taking financial statements at face value. While financial statements provide useful information about a company’s finances, they are not the only tool for assessing a company’s financial health. For example, a company can overstate its assets on a balance sheet by including assets that are not truly owned by the company. Similarly, a company can overstate its revenue on an income statement by booking sales that have not actually been generated. Financial statements are designed to provide an accurate representation of a company’s finances, but they can be manipulated by dishonest or careless accountants.


A balance sheet and income statement are two of the most important documents used to track and assess a company’s financial performance. While they are both important tools, they provide different insights into the financial health of a company. A balance sheet will show the current financial status of a company by listing all of the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity. An income statement will show the amount of money that has been generated by a company over a specified period of time. The difference between these two financial statements is that the balance sheet captures all account balances at a specific point in time, whereas the income statement captures the financial activities that have taken place over a specified time period. The main difference between a balance sheet and income statement is that the balance sheet captures all account balances at a specific point in time, whereas the income statement captures the financial activities that have taken place over a specified period of time. 

Ready to take your understanding of balance sheets and income statements to the next level? Check out our pricing page to see how Peak Reliance can help. Or, give us a call at +1 (718) 218-5558 or send us an email at to learn more about our services.

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Balance sheet, income statement

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Ohio’s Corporate Income Tax: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners

Ohio’s Corporate Income Tax: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners

December 27, 2022

Illustration of Ohio map and tax filing icon representing corporate income tax in Ohio


Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxes

Ohio’s corporate income tax can be a complex topic, but it’s important for all business owners to stay informed and up to date. With the new year quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to review Ohio’s corporate income tax laws and regulations. Understanding Ohio’s corporate income tax can be beneficial for businesses of all sizes, and it’s important to know what exemptions and deductions are available. This guide will provide an overview of the Ohio corporate income tax, including the corporate tax rate, filing requirements, and how to calculate taxes. Whether you are a small business owner or responsible for taxes for a large corporation, this guide can help you understand the nuances of Ohio’s corporate income tax laws and ensure your business is compliant.

Overview of the Ohio Corporate Income Tax

The Ohio corporate income tax is a state tax on businesses that earn income in Ohio. The corporate income tax is one of the most common business taxes in the United States. State corporate income taxes are imposed at various rates, and they are due on a semi-annual basis. Many states have changed their corporate income tax rates over the last few years as part of their yearly budget processes. Most recently, in October, Ohio’s corporate income tax rate was reduced from 4.33 percent to 2.75 percent. This reduction was part of a budget plan to generate additional tax revenue. Ohio’s corporate income tax is imposed on all domestic and foreign corporations that have a taxable income in Ohio. The taxable income is based on the federal taxable income, but there are some modifications. There are also special computations for insurance companies, financial institutions, and railroads. Corporations that have been assessed a tax under Chapter 5739 are also subject to the corporate income tax.

Corporate Tax Rate

The corporate tax rate in Ohio is 2.75 percent for calendar year 2022. This is significantly lower than the rate taxpayers paid at the beginning of the year, and the rate that owners paid in previous years. Ohio’s corporate income tax rates have changed a few times over the last several years, and the new rate of 2.75 percent is subject to change as well. Although it is unclear whether the corporate tax rate will be changed again, it is important to understand the rate each year. The 2.75 percent rate will remain in effect until July 2021. After that, the rate may be updated or changed.

Filing Requirements

The corporate income tax filing requirements depend on the amount of taxable income your business earns in Ohio. Corporations that earn $300,000 or less in taxable income will have to file the Ohio IT-330, the Ohio IT-331, and the Ohio IT-332. Corporations that earn more than $300,000 in taxable income will have to file Ohio IT-330, Ohio IT-331, and Ohio IT-332 as well as Ohio IT-333. Corporations that earn more than $10 million in taxable income will have to file Ohio IT-330, Ohio IT-331, Ohio IT-332, and Ohio IT-333 as well as Ohio IT-1188. Corporations that earn less than $10 million in taxable income will not have to file Ohio IT-1188. If you are unsure what filing requirements apply to your business, a tax preparer can help.

Calculating Taxes

The amount of corporate income tax you owe for the year is calculated by multiplying the taxable income by the rate that applies to your business. Note that the taxable income is based on the federal taxable income. Corporations that earn less than $300,000 in taxable income will have to pay taxes based on the Ohio tax rate of 2.75 percent. If you earn more than $300,000 in taxable income, you will pay taxes based on the Ohio tax rate of 2.75 percent plus the surcharge that applies to your industry. The surcharge is an additional tax that is imposed on corporations in a particular industry.

There are four different surcharges based on the industry your business falls under.

  • Manufacturing surcharge (1.25 percent)
  • Natural gas surcharge (0.4 percent)
  • Health care surcharge (1.25 percent)
  • Financial services surcharge (1.25 percent)
Exemptions and Deductions

In addition to the standard deductions and exemptions, the Ohio corporate income tax allows businesses to claim a number of credits. Businesses can claim a credit for the carbon dioxide emissions created by the business. The businesses can claim this credit on an annual basis, and the amount is based on the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. Another notable exemption is related to energy credits. Businesses can claim a credit for the amount they spend on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and/or carbon dioxide reduction projects. Alternative fuel suppliers can also claim a credit for the amount they spend on ethanol or methanol production facilities. Other credits and exemptions that may apply to your business include research and development credits and the Ohio Job Creation Tax Credit. The Ohio Job Creation Tax Credit is a refundable credit that was implemented to benefit businesses that create new jobs in Ohio.

Tax Credits

In addition to the exemptions and deductions, businesses can claim credits against the amount of taxes they owe. Credits can help lower the amount of taxes a business owes, and some credits are refundable. The Ohio Job Creation Tax Credit is a refundable credit, which means it can reduce the amount a business owes in taxes to zero. The Alternative Fuels Tax Credit is another notable tax credit for businesses in Ohio. This credit is available to businesses that purchase alternative fuels, such as propane, natural gas, and electricity obtained from renewable energy sources. The size of the credit depends on the type of fuel purchased and the amount of fuel purchased.

Payment Options

Ohio’s corporate income tax is due at the end of the year. The deadline for the second quarterly installment is the last day of February, the third is the last day of August, and the fourth is the last day of December. Corporations that earn more than $10 million in taxable income will have to pay the tax quarterly. Corporations that earn less than $10 million can choose to pay their tax quarterly or annually. The minimum amount that corporations will have to pay as a quarterly installment is $50. If you can’t pay the full amount at once, there are a few payment options available. You can use a credit card, personal check, or money order. Alternatively, if you are unable to pay the full amount, you can consider filing for an installment agreement.

Resources for Businesses

Keeping up with Ohio’s corporate income tax laws can be difficult, even for business owners that are fluent in tax law. To make it easier, The Ohio Department of Taxation has created resources to help business owners understand their taxes. These resources can help you understand everything from filing your taxes to calculating your taxes. The resources can also help provide answers to frequently asked questions. The Ohio Department of Taxation’s online resources are a great way to keep up with the latest tax laws, such as the new corporate tax rate. The Ohio Department of Taxation also has a selection of publications for businesses. Publications are useful for quick reference materials, and they can help you stay informed and up to date with tax laws. Publications are available in both paper and digital formats.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

The penalties for non-compliance with Ohio’s corporate income tax laws are based on the amount of taxes a business owes.

The penalties are as follows: 

  • If a business owes less than $2,500, the penalty is 5 percent of the amount owed.
  • If a business owes $2,500 or more but less than $25,000, the penalty is 10 percent of the amount owed.
  • If a business owes $25,000 or more, the penalty is 15 percent of the amount owed.

In conclusion, Ohio’s corporate income tax is an important topic for business owners to stay informed about. Understanding the laws and regulations surrounding this tax can help businesses of all sizes stay compliant in the new year. By reviewing the corporate tax rate, filing requirements, and how to calculate taxes, businesses can be prepared to pay the correct amount of corporate income tax in Ohio. Whether you are a small business owner or responsible for taxes for a large corporation, this guide can help you navigate the complexities of Ohio’s corporate income tax laws and ensure your business is in compliance for 2022.


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What are the most overlooked tax deductions?

What are the most overlooked tax deductions?

December 25, 2022

Scissors with a dollar sign representing tax deductions that may be overlooked


Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxes

There are many tax deductions that individuals and businesses may overlook when filing their taxes. Here are a few common ones:

  • Charitable donations: Charitable donations are a common tax deduction that many people may overlook when filing their taxes. Donations to qualified charitable organizations are tax deductible, but it’s important to keep track of your donations and have proper documentation. This includes receipts for cash donations and a record of any non-cash donations, such as clothing or household items.

    In order to claim a charitable donation on your taxes, the organization must be a qualified charitable organization as determined by the IRS. This includes religious, educational, scientific, and other charitable organizations that are tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).

    There are different types of charitable donations, including cash donations and non-cash donations. Cash donations can include things like monetary gifts, checks, and credit card donations. Non-cash donations include items such as clothing, household items, and vehicles.

    For cash donations, it’s important to keep a record of the donation, including the date, the amount, and the name of the organization. A receipt from the charity or a bank record, such as a cancelled check or credit card statement, can serve as proof of the donation.

    For non-cash donations, it’s important to have a detailed record of the items being donated. This should include a description of the items, the date they were acquired, and their original cost. It’s also a good idea to get a receipt from the charity for the value of the items being donated.

    There are limits on the amount of charitable donations that can be claimed on your taxes. Generally, you can deduct charitable donations up to 50% of your adjusted gross income for the year. However, there are limits on donations of appreciated property, such as stocks or real estate, and there are also limits on donations made to certain organizations, such as private foundations.

    It’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or refer to the IRS guidelines to determine what charitable donations you may be eligible to claim on your taxes. Charitable donations can be a great way to give back to your community and make a positive impact, and they can also provide a tax benefit for individuals and businesses.

  • Student loan interest: Student loan interest is a tax deduction that many people may be eligible to claim when they file their taxes. If you have student loans and are making payments, you may be able to deduct the interest you paid on your taxes. This deduction can help reduce your tax liability and provide some relief for the cost of higher education.

    To claim the student loan interest deduction, you must meet the following criteria:

    • You must be legally obligated to pay the interest on a qualified student loan.
    • The loan must be for you, your spouse, or a dependent for whom you claim an exemption on your tax return.
    • The loan must have been used to pay for qualified education expenses, such as tuition, fees, and other related expenses.

There are limits on the student loan interest deduction. The deduction is limited to $2,500 per year and is subject to income limits. The deduction is also phased out at certain income levels. It’s important to refer to the IRS guidelines to determine if you are eligible for the deduction and what the limits are for your specific situation.

To claim the student loan interest deduction, you will need to file Form 1040 and attach Schedule 1. On Schedule 1, you will enter the amount of student loan interest you paid during the tax year. You will also need to have a Form 1098-E, Student Loan Interest Statement, which will be provided to you by your lender. This form will show the amount of interest you paid during the year.

It’s important to note that the student loan interest deduction is an “above-the-line” deduction, which means you can claim it even if you don’t itemize your deductions on your tax return. This makes it a valuable tax break for many people who may not be able to itemize their deductions.

In summary, the student loan interest deduction is a tax break that can provide some relief for the cost of higher education. If you have student loans and are making payments, you may be eligible to claim this deduction on your taxes. It’s important to refer to the IRS guidelines and consult with a tax professional to determine if you are eligible and what the limits are for your specific situation.

  • Home office expenses: If you work from home and use a dedicated space in your home as your primary place of business, you may be able to claim a deduction for home office expenses. This can be a valuable tax break for those who work from home, as it allows you to deduct a portion of your rent or mortgage, utilities, and other expenses related to the use of your home as an office.

    To claim the home office deduction, you must meet the following criteria:

    1. You must use a dedicated space in your home exclusively for business purposes.
    2. You must use your home as your principal place of business or as a place where you regularly meet with clients or customers.
    3. You must not use the space for any personal activities.

There are two methods for claiming the home office deduction: the regular method and the simplified method.

The regular method involves calculating the actual expenses related to the use of your home as an office. This includes a portion of your rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, and other expenses. You will need to calculate the percentage of your home used for business and apply that percentage to your eligible expenses to determine your deduction.

The simplified method allows you to claim a flat rate of $5 per square foot of your home used for business, up to a maximum of 300 square feet. This method can be simpler and less time-consuming, but it may result in a lower deduction than the regular method.

It’s important to keep good records of your home office expenses, including receipts and documentation of the expenses you are claiming. You will need to file Form 8829, Expenses for Business Use of Your Home, to claim the home office deduction.

It’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or refer to the IRS guidelines to determine if you are eligible for the home office deduction and which method is best for your specific situation. The home office deduction can be a valuable tax break for those who work from home and use a dedicated space in their home for business purposes.

  • Medical and dental expenses: 

Medical and dental expenses can be a significant cost for individuals and families, and the good news is that you may be able to claim a deduction for these expenses on your taxes. The medical and dental expense deduction allows you to deduct qualifying expenses that exceed a certain percentage of your adjusted gross income (AGI).

To claim the medical and dental expense deduction, you must meet the following criteria:

    1. The expenses must be for medical care or dental care as defined by the IRS. This includes things like doctor’s visits, prescription medications, and insurance premiums.
    2. The expenses must be paid during the tax year for which you are claiming the deduction.
    3. The expenses must not be reimbursed by insurance or another party.

There are limits on the medical and dental expense deduction. You can only claim expenses that exceed 7.5% of your AGI. This means that if your AGI is $50,000 and you have $5,000 in medical and dental expenses, you can only claim a deduction for the amount that exceeds $3,750 (7.5% of $50,000).

To claim the medical and dental expense deduction, you will need to file Form 1040 and attach Schedule A, Itemized Deductions. On Schedule A, you will enter the total amount of your medical and dental expenses for the year and the amount that exceeds 7.5% of your AGI. You will also need to have documentation of your expenses, such as receipts or explanations of benefits from your insurance provider.

It’s important to note that the medical and dental expense deduction is subject to change and may not be available to everyone. It’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or refer to the IRS guidelines to determine if you are eligible for the deduction and what the limits are for your specific situation.

In summary, the medical and dental expense deduction allows you to claim qualifying expenses that exceed a certain percentage of your AGI on your taxes. This can be a valuable tax break for those who have significant medical and dental expenses. It’s important to keep good records of your expenses and consult with a tax professional to determine if you are eligible for the deduction.

  • Professional development: Professional development, such as conferences, workshops, and continuing education courses, can be an important investment for individuals looking to advance their careers or stay up-to-date in their fields. The good news is that you may be able to claim a tax deduction for these expenses.

    To claim a deduction for professional development expenses, you must meet the following criteria:

    1. The expenses must be for education that is directly related to your current job or business.
    2. The education must maintain or improve the skills required in your current job or business.
    3. The education cannot be required as a condition of employment or necessary to meet the minimum requirements of your job or business.

There are limits on the professional development expense deduction. You can only claim expenses that are considered “ordinary and necessary” for your job or business. This means that the expenses must be common and accepted in your field and must be helpful to your business or profession.

To claim the professional development expense deduction, you will need to file Form 1040 and attach Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business. On Schedule C, you will enter the total amount of your professional development expenses for the year and the amount that is considered ordinary and necessary for your job or business. You will also need to have documentation of your expenses, such as receipts or invoices.

It’s important to note that the professional development expense deduction is subject to change and may not be available to everyone. It’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or refer to the IRS guidelines to determine if you are eligible for the deduction and what the limits are for your specific situation.

In summary, the professional development expense deduction allows you to claim qualifying expenses on your taxes. This can be a valuable tax break for those who invest in their professional development and seek to improve their skills and knowledge in their fields. It’s important to keep good records of your expenses and consult with a tax professional to determine if you are eligible for the deduction.

It’s important to note that these deductions are subject to change and may not be applicable to everyone. It’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or refer to the IRS guidelines to determine what deductions you may be eligible for.

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Bookkeeping, Taxation, Taxes

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